About the maker...

My name is Shannon.  I have been married to my best friend for 18 years, am a mother to two amazing boys and have three precious little doggies.  I am a 'Do it Yourself' kind of person and never seem to run out of projects (I'm sure my husband tires of my shenanigans).   I love to sing, cook, create, engage at church, and spend time with my husband and kids. 

In 2020 I decided to start caring about the ingredients in my candles just like I care about what's in my food and products for my skin.  I was getting tired of my nose burning when I lit a candle, and if it bothered me, did it bother children or dogs too?  Did you know that there are a lot of unsafe candle ingredients?  Some that can cause neurological issues, reproductive complications, and even organ problems?  I didn't know that until I started looking into pouring my own.  I began researching suppliers, safe ingredients, and learning how to pour candles in my home.  It was a lot of fun figuring out how to pour a successful candle and see it all come together.  

One day, while pouring a batch of candles for my own use, I felt the Spirit speaking to my heart "Why aren't you selling these to people? My light isn't meant to be hidden."  I knew that I was supposed to start a business... and I panicked.  I told God I wasn't interested; I already have a full time job, am a wife, mother, support my husbands business, and am active at church as a Youth Leader and on the Worship Team.  Now I'm supposed to start a business??

So, I started to pray about it.  If this is something God wanted me to do, then He would guide me each step of the way.  And He did.  Every. Single. Step. There isn't a single thing He hasn't moved me in.  My first prayer was for time and wisdom in developing the product.  I spent a year and a half trying to get my product just right.  Next was the name.  I prayed and prayed for guidance and the word 'light' was all the direction I had.  So I spent over 4 hours one day researching light in the Bible and it's meanings.  I came up with many names, but the one that just made my heart leap, was Esse Lux.  

Why is the name Esse Lux so important?  In Latin, it means 'be the light' and the acronym EL in Hebrew is short for Elohim which means God.  All parts of the name just HAD to point to God or I knew it wouldn't meet it's purpose.  This business isn't just intended to sell candles, it's part of ministering to hearts.

Esse Lux Candle Co. started with the purpose of bringing the light to a world of darkness.  I pray and sing praise to God through music while I pour these candles in small batches in my dining room, in hopes that I can intercede in prayer for whomever has lit one of my candles.  When this candle is lit, not only will you be comforted by the scent and the light, I pray you are encouraged, feel peace, support, hope and love.  

Be the light,
